Fixing sound through HDMI on NVIDIA Optimus

There is a common problem with those NVIDIA Optimus laptops having an HDMI port connected to the dedicated GPU: NVIDIA audio device is not detected thus no sound goes over HDMI port. For more details see: …

User-friendly NVIDIA Optimus management

Users of laptops with NVIDIA Optimus are probably aware of some traits of getting it work on Linux: It is properly supported only in proprietary NVIDIA driver which is not shipped by default with the majority of Linux distributions; Until recently there …

How to live on GNOME with pure Wayland

Here in 2023 Wayland become the default graphics session type for at least 2 most popular Linux distros: Fedora and Ubuntu. However it is still not ideal, even though GTK4 and Qt6 claim full support for Wayland, many other toolkits have issues …

Bash prompt with Git and Python virtualenv

On Fedora there is script provided by git-core package which allows to extend PS1 prompt with information about GIT repo in current location. However just overriding PROMPT_COMMAND with __git_ps1() will bring 2 problems: Standard VTE helper command will be overridden …